Sunday, June 17, 2018


Listening→ I have been comfortable in capturing the information but then I have not expressed it well during the exams.
Reading→ I have read both of the histories and I like it because it´s interesting to know about some stories of crimes. In the next year I´m going to improve my marks in reading because I have learn how to do better my reading exams.
Spoken Interaction→ I think I did well the presentation of High School because I said a lot of interesting things and I put a lot of images.
Writing→ I have to improve my marks in the exams, especially in grammar because I have some difficults to get the information in this field. I think I have done good the vocabulary and I have studied good this field.

We have finished our step through this institute, and it has been an experience that I have learned many and will never forget, thanks for all Cristina!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Phoney: not real or genuine; fake.
Boast: to speak  with exaggeration and too much pride, esp. about oneself.
Complain: to express dissatisfaction, resentment, pain, grief, etc.; find fault
Reveal: to make known; disclose; divulge.
State: a tense, nervous, or disturbed condition.
Slob: a very sloppy or bad-mannered person.
Deny: to state that  is not true.
Bother: to give trouble to.
Reply: to give an answer in words or writing; respond.
Point out: to direct attention to; call attention to.
Rudeness: impolite.
Consideration: sympathetic respect.
Etiquette: the rules of proper social or professional behavior; manners.
Interaction: to act upon one another

Diplomacy: the conduct by government officials of relations between nations.
Netiquette: the etiquette of computer networks, esp. the Internet.
Politeness: showing good manners.

Monday, April 30, 2018




3-4 min jogging and doing joint mobility.


In frontenis there are several types of beating such as: the double wall, smash, and the most used that are the forehand and backhand, which are the ones that we are going to train in this game. It will be use to warm up. We are going to put in two rows and we will train the two types of hitting. In a row we will practice the forehand and in the other the backhand, when we hit the ball they have to return to the end of the row. (4 min. In each row)


We are going to divide into groups of 6 to make a game that consists in a 3vs3 match. In this game, they always have to hit the ball in the same order and the first that reaches 9 points will win and the loser team will do 10 push-ups.
 (10 min)


Finally, in the same groups, we will make couples and they will play a “rey de la pista” in matches of 7 points. The pair who loses will go out and they will make series of planch in mats. (12 min)


To finish the lesson, the students will stretch in the wall.

Monday, March 19, 2018


Face up to: to accept that a difficult situation exists.Work out: to do exercise.Chill outto relax completely.Cut down: to do or use less of something.Calm down: to stop feeling angry.Open up: to talk to someone about your feelings.Slow down: to be less active.
Grumpy: bad-tempered.
Cheerful: happy and optimistic.
Dynamic: characterized by constant change, activity or progress.
Anxious: worried and tense.

Resultado de imagen de work out

Resultado de imagen de chill out

                                WORK OUT                                               CHILL OUT

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018

  • Wireless: Without wire.
  • MechanicalThat is related to machinery or tools.
  • Solar Powered: It use solar rays to produce electricity to use electrical things.
  • ChemicalIs a sustance that is made by using chemicals.
  • Energy-savingA mechanical device that don't waste electricity.
  • InnovativeA device that is new and give another ways of using things.
  • AdaptableIt can adapt itself to any conditions.
  • Alternative: something that is different from the usual or traditional way.
  • Rush hour: a time of day in which large numbers of people are traveling to or from work.
  • Mad search: when you want to find something very quickly.
  • To be greener: to be environmentally friendly.


Courage: ability to do something dangerous even if you are afraid.
Narrow: not wide.
Guest: visitor.
Set foot: enter a place.
Iron: strong,grey_coloured metal.
Spread. passed from one area to another.
Resultado de imagen de the masque of the red death
Bizarre: strange.
Carefree: without any problems or worries.
Chimes: ringing of a clock to mark the hour.
Dared to: had courage to do something.
Dizziness: a feeling of head turning round, and loss of balance.
Dripping: falling in small drops.
Grabbed: took roughly.
Pour: cause liquid to flow.