Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Resultado de imagen de como se hacen objetos de hierro
Resultado de imagen de hierro mineral

Resultado de imagen de cosas hechas de hierro



Resultado de imagen de mina de oroResultado de imagen de mina de oro

 Resultado de imagen de oro fundido          Resultado de imagen de lingote de oro


Resultado de imagen de aluminio mineral Resultado de imagen de fundicion del aluminio

Resultado de imagen de objetos de aluminio


Resultado de imagen de fundicion de la plata
Resultado de imagen de mineral plata                                                                         


Resultado de imagen de plata


Resultado de imagen de mineral plomo Resultado de imagen de fundicion del plomo
                                              Resultado de imagen de plomo


Resultado de imagen de limestoneResultado de imagen de triturado piedra caliza
                                                            Resultado de imagen de fachada de caliza


Resultado de imagen de arcilla
Resultado de imagen de ARCILLA



Resultado de imagen de YESO Resultado de imagen de MOLDE PARA YESO

                                                      Resultado de imagen de PIEZA DE YESO


Resultado de imagen de FORMACION DE PIEZAS DE MARMOL

Resultado de imagen de MINERAL MARMOL Resultado de imagen de TALLADO DEL MARMOL           Resultado de imagen de TALLADO DEL MARMOL

Monday, March 27, 2017


  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
-I learn a lot of things related to the landscape and primary sector, a lot of vocabulary of crimes and criminals and do acrossport in the correct way.
  • What did I like most?
-I like a lot learnigs all tipe of crimes and do games with the vocabulario, I like play badminton because it was very funny and learn about the types of livestock that exist.
  • What did I do well?
-Play badminton.
  • What am I confused about?
-In some units I don´t understand well somethings and sometimes english is difficult for me.
  • What did I do in English outside the class?
-I see a lot of films, I study and I play some videogames in english.

  • What do I need to improve?
-My marks in the exam...sometimes I study and i don´t have the reward I deserve.
  • What did I learn about culture?
-I learn about countries of Africa because my classmates made very good their proyects and I learn about mine, that is Nigeria.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017



                                                  Hot air balloon with agricultural landscape
In this image you can see that is dry farming crops. 
Is extensive because it is a large field. 
Is polyculture because there are different crops grown at the same time in order of satisfy the needs of the owners.
You can appreciate that is for a rich country and they used large machinery for agricultural activities.
The crops are regulars and small.
It can be smallholding if you count one by one but all of them together can be a state farm.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Franklin expedition 1847

He is Roald Amunsen

Resultado de imagen de roald amundsen



Shopping online. A way to shop like you do normally but online.
Saving up. Not spend money for a time,because you want something in special.
Brands. make or version of a product
Are worth. That they're value
Sale. a special offering of goods at reduced prices
Discount. to deduct a certain amount from 
Bargains.a purchase to one's advantage, at less than the usual cost.
Department stores. A big building that has a lot of shops and cafes.
'How long have I been here? Since 6:00' 
Cost a
fortune. Can't afford it

Afford. You can buy it 
'We've queued for nine hours'
Sport gearEquipación
'I'm after...'
Magnetsa body, as a piece of iron or steel, that has the property of attracting certain substances, as iron.They are usually souvenirs.
To borrow. to obtain (something) with a promise to return it
To lend. to grant the use of (something) on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned
Customer. a person who purchases goods or services from another;buyer
Half-price. It costs the half part of the start price
Shop owner. A person that owns a shop
Souvenirs. an object that recalls a certain place, occasion, or person.