Ocean-the large mass of saltwater that cover most of the earth’s surface.
Valley-an area of low land between arial or mountains, often with a river or stream running through it.
Coast-the land next to or close to the sea.
River-water that flows naturally through a wide channel that is surroundedby land.
Oasis-an area in a desert where there is water and trees can grow.
Desert-a large, dry area where there is very little rain and few plants.
Archipelago-a group of islands, or an area of sea where there are many islands.
Flood-to fill or become covered with water or to cause this to happen to something.
Earthquake- violent movement of the earth’s surface, often causing damage and sometimes deaths.
Cattle ranching-Ganado vacuno.
Ash-the soft, gray or black, powdery substance left after something hasburned.
Ridge-Mountain range.
Creeks-a small river or stream.
Ravine-Small canyon.
Brine-water that you can´t drink.
Taiga-Is a forest made up of ever green trees.
Birth rate-the number of births that happen during a period of time in aparticular place.
Death rate-the number of people who die in a particular group orarea in a particular period of time.
Life expectancy- the average length of the life of members of a group ofpeople or animals.
Ageing-relating to getting older.